E-contracts - Web service

Get control of all your electronic documents and e-Contracts through our easy-to-use portal. Get started today and track your business documents from inception to e-signature. With our e-signing web service, you take control of your business documents in a secure, legally binding and sustainable way.

Seamless experience for you and your customers

Our focus is always on delivering the best possible experience to your customers. Our signing portal also allows you to easily customise your e-contracts and documents based on your brand platform. It's easy to add logo, font and colour - all to create a seamless experience for your customers.

Laptop running Egreements service

Innovative e-signing - For the best customer experience

Legally binding and secure

Contracting parties are securely identified with their own BankID. The documents are stored on your terms in your archive with us. This ensures compliance as well as the highest level of security.

All parts of the process are automated

It is secure, traceable and allows for follow-up. By e-signing, you can shorten the contracting process from days or weeks to just minutes.

Order and tidiness - customise the portal according to your needs

Group and manage permissions easily, set rules for your own archive, manage and track documents seamlessly and have a clear overview of all your documents in one place. The service is fully search-driven, making it easy for you to find what you're looking for with a simple search.

Traceable - Track the status of all documents

You can always follow specific activities from the moment you send a document, until the customer opens, signs or refuses the contract. To have full control over the process of your business documents, you will receive notifications at different activities. You can also choose how long you want to store the documents safely and securely in your web portal with us.

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Stockholmshem company logotype

"We started building up knowledge of this tool six months before the pandemic," Allan says. But it was difficult to get the departments to prioritise implementation as they saw other priorities. Then, when the pandemic hit full force, the need changed quickly as all employees suddenly had to work from home. It became clear that colleagues working from home could not sign contracts, sign and cross-post as they had done before."

Allan Hansson

IT manager at Stockholmshem

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Get started with e-signing today!

The cost of managing a paper contract is around SEK 400 per contract. And every year, companies and individuals in Sweden handle millions of contracts. It takes a long time, it's expensive, and it's also very unnecessary.